Sure that Rio to be visited properly deserves at least a whole life to explore the city in a way that you will see that you are just in one of the most fascinated cities in the World. Rio is for sure the best door entrance of a wonderful and dear country called Brazil and I am fully grateful that you chose Rio as one of your trip destinations. Again 3 days in Rio will be good enough for you to realize that you must come to Rio often!!! Rio will be now your best HOME OUTSIDE HOME.
First day will be a large introduction of the city, and we can do it easily when you get to your hotel or right in the very first morning of your days in the city!!!
From the plane or from the first streets you get when you leave the airport, you will see Jesus Christ with his arms wide open telling you that YOU ARE VERY WELCOME to enjoy the best of Rio de Janeiro, so nothing better than pay a visit to the main hoster of Rio and we will see the Christ on the hill of Corcovado, it is a unique chance to see the city from the top of an impressive view point.
And we are not getting there as regular tourists who just reach the top of Corcovado by train…no way!!!! We will explore the Forest of Tijuca, we will see hidden view points from a different perspective and stop in some points that only a native can show you. If we pick this day in a week day we will be able to get through the forest, visiting the headquater of our national park created in 1961 but even planned in 1880, so you will see the gorgeous waterfall of Cascatinha, the route to the Paineiras and experience the pleasant natural showers of this unique part of this wonderful green corridor.
This day will be a total off the beaten path day visiting places out of touristy spots..we will head west visiting wild beaches and a lot of natural sites. We will see the beaches of Barra da Tijuca, Recreio, Macumba, Prainha and Grumari, these are very unknown beaches with a lot of green, local people and fishermen villages where we can have the best of our see food.
This day you will realize that Copacabana and Ipanema are not the only beaches of Rio and you will be able to see our wilderness, be prepared to see many new and unforgettable places.
The tour fee guide will be 150 american dollars for two people, and 250 american dollars for more than two people.
Now you have quite a cool understanding about Rio but there are still nice places to be seen in the city, and the beginning of our day will be filled with nature and spectacular views for our pictures and also just to chill out relaxing with friends, your partner or anyone you like. Again we must start in the morning and we will go the the surroundings of Sugar Loaf Mountain, in Rio, it is best called as PÃO DE AÇUCAR.
We will walk in places where many tourist simply do not have any idea about its existence, places very close to the Sugar Loaf like Praia Vermelha where the Portuguese navigators set foot in 1501 and we will make a little hiking at PISTA CLAUDIO COUTINHO trail where we will be in contact with lots of treesm shady paths and many many birds and animals. It will be a great chance for us to feed our COUSINS…YES WE WILL SEE THE MONKEYS, but please do not be angry with me if you do not see any…but they hardly disappoint me!!!
Our next step will be a visit to the one of the top 10 most complete Botanical Gardens in the World - in Portuguese we say JARDIM BOTANICO - we will walk along pretty beautiful alleys full of giant trees, an amazon little lake full of flowers and fish, we will see lots of mango and jacko trees, and you will see a magnificent collection of orchids and cactus.
In the end of our tour we will have lunch in one of the busy buffets of Rio’s downtown, together with all kind of working people in our financial area. We have two sacred parts of our downtown that we should explore; the Monastery where you will see the best of our Barroc Heritage; then we will walk through the narrow old streets of Rio visiting CULTURAL CENTRES, Portuguese blue tiles in private business and homes. We will see also the Ferry Boat area, the Royal Palace, the Carmo Street – that is the only catholic church in Latin America that crowned two European kings – the State Congress and the area of PRAÇA QUINZE, this is one of the most important historical sites in the State after Paraty.
As a grand finale, we will end our tour at the Fort of Copacabana, an impressive 1905 construction which will give you unique views of Copacabana and Ipanema, and the hidden beach of Diabo.
We will use my car and we will walk a lot.
The full day tour will be 150 american dollars for two people or 250 american dollars for more than two people. (the car is good for 4 people!)
COOL HINTS: When you get back to the hotel, it is a cool chance for you to walk at NOSSA SENHORA DE COPACABANA AVENUE where the best shops are located. Copacabana has a big variety of stores where you can buy anything you need!!! SHOPPING TIME, or visiting RIO SUL SHOPPING CENTER, the main mall we have in the neighborhood.
No trip to Rio is complete if you do not dive into the World of our funny nights, and we have space for every one. Rio means Carnaval, Rio means cool conversations in each corner of Ipanema, so many bars and beautiful people everywhere. Rio is SAMBA and all music styles like Forro and so many incredible singers. Music shakes the vain of every blood, no matter if you are rich or poor, you will always find fantastic local musician, and me as a real Brazilian, of course I will take you to the most genuine places where our people really have fun at night. Samba Houses, Samba Rehearsals for the great 2 nights of our Carnaval and visits to the most uncommon markets of the city where food, art crafts and lots of music is FULLY GUARANTEED. We will visit Lapa and Santa Tereza, genuine bohemian neighborhoods, and a visit to the v ery unknown PAVILHAO DE SAO CRISTOVAO.
The chance of getting to know the real night of Rio is right now!!!
We generally take about four hours for a night tour, but of course we can go back to the hotel when you decide, but put your feet out of the hotel and find out more about this wonderful people called CARIOCAS.
The tour guide fee is only one, no matter how many people I take, it is 100 american dollars.
It is the second most important city in the State, Niteroi is just more than the other edge of Guanabara Bay. People think that Niteroi is an island, and there are people who simply ignore Niteroi thinking that this place is just a sleeping city, but it is not. These lands very green that we see from the distance in many places in Rio holds incredible surprises for you.
It is our last day in Rio but we can stay half of the day visiting the basic of Niteroi if you have to leave to the airport, or we can spend the entire day making a complete tour in this fantastic city.
It is good that almost no travel books mention Niteroi, but Niteroi has everything to be the highlight of your trip to Rio.
Basic Niteroi we will cover the Bay Side Walk in Boa Viagem, we will have a quick visit to the Contemporary Art Museum, one of the last construction of our famous architect Oscar Niemeyer, this place give us incredible views of Rio, then we will visit a forest area close to São Francisco beach, this place is called PARQUE DA CIDADE, you will be surprised of so many beautiful things you will see from that simple view point. After that we can go to the fishermen village of Jurujuba, you will experience life in a slow rhythm like our old countryside village NOT FAR FROM BUSY, EXCITING AND CRAZY RIO.
If we have the entire day, then we will cross the mountains and see the ocean side of Niteroi where you will see the most beautiful beaches IN BRAZIL!!!! You will be able to visit the amazing sanctuary of Itacoatiara, our most impressive beach, and you will have the chance to see the sunset in a fishermen village, the dunes and the lagoon of Itaipu.
Going to Niteroi will be a very important plus in your trip to Rio.
Three days in Rio will be fantastic for you to make the best of your trip and I will be honored to give you a lot of assistance.
The tour guide fee will be 150 american dollars for two people, and more than two people the fee will be 250 american dollars.
Write to me if you want to see more pictures and if you want to get informed with more details about this specific tour, my email is donrafa@yahoo.es